Priority 1
Member Engagement
1.1 Strength of local cooperatives
Local cooperatives are the driving force of our great movement. Through its national members, the Alliance must support their development and growth by implementing suitable solutions. A famous principle, at the heart of my conviction, comes to mind: “Think globally, act locally.” The Alliance must promote local, regional, national and sectoral initiatives and must act as a catalyst through the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade.
1.2 Member participation
A high level of participation by Alliance members in its democratic life is a sign of vitality and strength. The Alliance must increase member participation in its governance. Democratic participation is one of the most significant aspects that sets the cooperative model apart. It is also one of the five thrusts of the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade. The Alliance must be a model in this regard and continue its discussions and work in order to strengthen its governance and its engagement towards the members and cooperatives that it represents in line with the regions and sectors.
1.3 Communication
In the digital age, the Alliance must take advantage of new technologies to enhance and modernize communications between members and create new sharing communities and thus increase connectivity between members and the Alliance, be it through collaboration platforms, the Alliance website, social media or tools enabling us to stimulate member participation and energize our democratic life.